The Wayfare Podcast
Meet the Early-day Saints Episode 7: Human Nature, with Gaye Strathearn

Meet the Early-day Saints Episode 7: Human Nature, with Gaye Strathearn

“What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them…”

Early Christians were fascinated by the nature of God and God’s relationship to humans. They had stories from the scriptures, but they didn’t have a clear or unified explanation about humanity, human nature, and their exact relationship to God. Dr. Gaye Strathearn takes us through the history of Christian thought in response to the question, what makes humans human? We’re looking at her chapter in the book Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints, called “Human Nature: Creation and the Fall.”

About the Guest

Gaye Strathearn is professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University and associate dean in Religious Education. She earned her PhD in Religion, with an emphasis in New Testament and Christian Origins, from Claremont Graduate University.


About the Guest

Gaye Strathearn is professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University and associate dean in Religious Education. She earned her PhD in Religion, with an emphasis in New Testament and Christian Origins, from Claremont Graduate University.

About the Host

Blair Hodges earned a bachelor’s degree in communications (journalism) at the University of Utah and a master’s degree in religious studies at Georgetown University. He hosts Fireside with Blair Hodges and previously hosted the Maxwell Institute Podcast at Brigham Young University.

Cover art by Charlotte Condie

The Wayfare Podcast
Audio Explorations in Faith
Wayfare Magazine is a publication of the Faith Matters Foundation.
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