The Wayfare Podcast
Meet the Early-day Saints Episode 14: Middle-day Saints, with Miranda Wilcox

Meet the Early-day Saints Episode 14: Middle-day Saints, with Miranda Wilcox

“From ~500 AD to ~1500 AD, Christianity spreads all over the world. There are familiar aspects to the spiritual landscape, but there are also new aspects that can expand our spiritual horizon today."

As ancient Christians followed Jesus’s instruction to spread the gospel, the word spread across the globe to Africa, Asia, and Europe. Far-flung believers developed local traditions using their own cultural resources, developing Jesus’s message in fascinating ways. As a specialist in medieval thought, Dr. Miranda Wilcox says the light of Jesus’s gospel was kept burning through the ages by people who Latter-day Saints can understand as our spiritual forebearers. Wilcox wrote “Medieval Christians,” the Afterword to the book Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints.


About the Guest

Miranda Wilcox is an associate professor of English and earned her PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Notre Dame. Her research focuses on early medieval religious culture in Western Europe. 

About the Host

Blair Hodges earned a bachelor’s degree in communications (journalism) at the University of Utah and a master’s degree in religious studies at Georgetown University. He hosts Fireside with Blair Hodges and previously hosted the Maxwell Institute Podcast at Brigham Young University.

Cover art by Charlotte Condie

The Wayfare Podcast
Audio Explorations in Faith
Wayfare Magazine is a publication of the Faith Matters Foundation.
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