I don’t want to spend all day trying to make a comment brilliant enough to match this wonderful article — I guess I don’t even have to— so I will just say thank you very much.

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Thank you for reading Caroline!

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This offers a lovely description of the self, one that makes perfect sense to me. We are all contradictions wrapped in enigmas and one of the tasks of life is to come to know ourselves and each other better as we move through life. Thank you, James, for the thoughtful essay.

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Thank you, James. This is beautiful and so thoughtful.

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I wish I had been a friend of Uncle Jay! I have been an ally for over 60 years and your thoughtful language regarding those who are Queer and Trans and how they fit in was instructive to me. I am often distressed by the way they are or aren't included in our faith community.

But then I think of the last line in your essay and I rejoice. Thank you.

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