Thank you for sharing your journey. It’s real and helpful, and helped me feel God’s love.

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I really relished reading about your journey. I am not nearly so profound, but feel I share your thoughts at the end about the things you enjoy and are helpful. I am a single mother of 10 children, most with special needs, who entered my family through adoption, some as teenagers. Because I have sons in prison and on the streets, and two kids battling alcoholism, and several with mental and physical handicaps, etc., some people look at me and I can hear them thinking, "What a crap parent she is!" Others put me on a pedestal with angels and Mother Teresa, and I am accustomed to hearing how all will be resolved in heaven, and all these experiences are teaching me things I need to know. Actually, most helpful are good crime detective recommendations, and bringing me chili rellenos. I take care of prayer, service, etc., and usually enjoy happy days. Thanks again.

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