Apr 26, 2023Liked by Katie Lewis

This is lovely. It reminds me of that line from Marilynne Robinson's luminous novel, Gilead: "Nothing true can be said about God from a posture of defense." Or Richard Rohr's assertion that healthy religion is "an enthusiasm about what is." Amen to turning sideways into the light. Thank you.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Benjamin Peters

Bill Turnbull, as in Anziano Turnbull, formerly of Napoli?? I think we were "housemates" (i.e., in the same district sharing an apartment) about a zillion years ago. I'm glad you've connected with my clever nephew Zach and his Wayfare project. Mi piacerebbe conoscierti di nuovo!

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Oh, Bill, this is excellent. That metaphor will stay with me. Thank you!

Trying to wrestle with truth claims has been important for me, but lately I've been trying to wrestle more with what claims truth has on me, and that's come (slowly but surely) to feel like the more real task. So I've really appreciated Wayfare and Faith Matter's simple commitment to exploring what living faith looks and feels like, rather than just defending the church. Thank you!

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Turning sideways into the light is a very beautiful and profound image of a life-giving, living faith of spiritual growth, in contrast to apologetics, which turns faith into a destructive battlefield. I appreciate the commitment of Faith Matters and Wayfare to an open, living faith, embracing various wisdom traditions. This is the true meaning of following Christ.

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This is so, so beautiful. It resonates right now.

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