Reading this remarkable essay within days of David Brook’s likewise inspiring essay on the feminine way to wisdom has been, I believe, a divine directive and bracing call to repent. So grateful for this text and the meaningful effort required to write it. And now to that repentance...


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I love this essay. Paying attention while praying is really difficult for me. And paying attention to others is really hit and miss. I suspect that when I am paying attention I do not notice myself paying attention. When I am not paying attention I notice everything else except what the person is saying. God has been speaking to me a lot about intentionality. It costs nothing but all that I have, and all that I am. Thank you for this essay. It came at just the right time.

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Thank you so much Michael for your insights. I often find myself struggling to focus on someone with mindful attention but it is indeed the greatest kindness we can give our fellow humans.

I will be speaking in church this week with the prompt from Luke 10 where Christ is asked “Who is my neighbor?” Your writing clarifies how we can interact in a meaningful and higher way with our neighbor.

God be with you.

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Thank you! Thank you (words seems inadequate to express my gratitude), for this is such an articulate and inspired piece for our time and for all. I will spread it far and wide and will use some of your thoughts (with reference) for a talk I'm giving at the stake RS annual breakfast. I am speaking on Christ is the Relief. Very thankful to have received this just now as it works so well with the other things I am saying. You are an inspired messenger. A thousand thank you's.

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Thanks much, Michael, for this thoughtful piece. I needed to read this article today.

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