Praise for Wayfare

“Wayfare is the most encouraging development that I've seen in Mormon letters for some time.” -Nate Oman

“Unbelievably thoughtful and gorgeous.” -Melissa Inouye

“I couldn't be more impressed with Wayfare.” -Joe Spencer

“An astonishing and beautiful publication.” -Ardis Parshall

“Wayfare is amazing.” -Steven Peck

“I love what Wayfare is doing.” -Sam Brown

“Wayfare is a triumph.” -Adam Miller

“Marvelous!” -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

About Us

Wayfare seeks to be a companion and guide on the journey of faith. We publish a range of original writing: essays, interviews, dispatches, profiles, poetry, miracles, sermons, and works of book, film, and art criticism.

The Restoration began with a sincere question and the reception of divine truth. Wayfare embraces that hunger for new light with the conviction that our Heavenly Parents always desire to reveal more to their children. 

Because truth is often stranger and more subtle than we imagine, we follow Jacob’s example of wrestling with complexity, mystery, and eternity. For that reason, Wayfare welcomes new voices and ideas that transcend, explore, and expand familiar boundaries—we seek after the true, the good, and the beautiful wherever they may be found. 

Our aim is to cultivate within individuals and communities the more abundant life that is found in Christ through writing that is leavened with faith, brightened by hope, and deepened through charity. 

Finally, we affirm the revelation Joseph Smith received May 9, 1831: That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

Wayfare is a publication of the Faith Matters Foundation. We publish weekly through our newsletter as well as in biannual print issues. 

Our name was partly inspired by two songs: A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and Wayfaring Stranger. 

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Zachary Davis

Associate Editors

Rachel Jardine

Rachael Johnson

Benjamin Peters

Managing Editor

Lori Forsyth

Submissions Manager

Grace Elizabeth Carter


Mark Melville

Digital Editor

Katie Lewis

Senior Editors

Kristine Haglund

Tyler Johnson

Jon Ogden

Anna Thurston

Poetry Editor

Kathryn Knight Sonntag

Art Editor

Esther Hi'ilani Candari

Books Editor

Scott Raines

Fiction Editor

Jeanine Bee

Oratory Editor

Isaac Richards

Director of Music

Andrew Maxfield

Film Editors

Barrett Burgin

Celene Mitchell

Science Editor

Maddy Peterson

Contributing Editors

Sharlee Mullins Glenn

Shayla Frandsen

Allison Pond

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Social Media Editor

Cece Proffit

News Editor

Jaxon Washburn

Creative Directors

Doug Thomas

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Digital Creative Director

Londan Duffin

Editorial Staff

Kyle Belanger

Gideon Burton

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Carolee Fairbanks

Natalie Hammon

Lorren Lemmons

Martha Petersen

Sarah Safsten

Tanner Sandberg

Jeanna Mason Stay

Josh Stevenson

Zach Stevenson

Sunny Stimmler

Clint Williams

Audience Engagement

Emma St. Clair


Julia Morgan

Sam Petersen

Advisory Board

Matt Bowman

Richard Bushman

George Handley

Jennifer Frey

James Goldberg

Randall Paul

Sharrona Pearl

Jana Riess

Charles Stang

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Rosalynde Welch

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Explorations in Faith


James Goldberg is a poet, novelist, and champion of Mormon literature. His works include The Five Books of Jesus and A Book of Lamentations.
A Sikh-Mormon-Jew with a wildly interfaith and transcultural intercontinental family. Reader, Writer, Listener, Ponderer.
Sarah is a literature and theology doctoral student studying the Book of Job in the twentieth century. Together with her husband, she is a co-author of The Book of Mormon Storybook at @forlittlesaints
Social Media Editor for Wayfare Magazine
Amateur seeker, professional communications person.
Editor-at-large. Stanford medical oncologist. Clinical Assistant Professor. Podcaster @TheDoctorsArt. Author writing on spirituality, meaning, and medicine.
Kathryn Knight Sonntag is the author of The Mother Tree: Discovering the Love and Wisdom of Our Divine Mother (Faith Matters Publishing, 2022) and The Tree at the Center (BCC Press, 2019).
Research fellow and associate director at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
Wayfare Managing Editor. Lori is happiest when connecting ideas and discussing them with friends. She edits in several places and writes in a few (often She has a hard time passing up a good analogy.
I'm a physician scientist working on sepsis and ARDS. Outside medicine, I write books (https://samuelbrown/net) on intellectual history and theology.
Jeanine Bee is a writer of short fiction and creative non-fiction, and the fiction editor for Wayfare Magazine. Her works have been featured in Inscape, Irreantum, Dialogue, the Mormon Lit Blitz, and Exponent II.
Thomas B. Griffith was a judge on the U. S. Court of Appeals for the D. C. Circuit from 2004-2020. Currently he is a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School and a Fellow at the Wheatley Institute at Brigham Young University.
Kristine Haglund is the author of Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal and a past editor of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. She should have been a music major, but holds degrees in German Studies from Harvard and the University of Michigan.
writer of speculative fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, and literary criticism; co-host of Pop Culture on the Apricot Tree, a podcast about pop culture from an LDS perspective
I am a professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities and Comparative Literature at BYU where I have taught since 1998. I am the author most recently of The Hope of Nature, If Truth Were a Child, and the novel, American Fork.
Steven L. Peck is an ecologist at BYU and a fellow of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. In addition to his scientific work, he has published four award-winning literary novels, poetry, short stories, and essays.
Bill is co-founder and chairman of Faith Matters and lives in Midway, Utah with the love of his life, Suzy.
I’m a wife, mother, poet, essayist, college instructor, and devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Mark's trying to write a few poems, become a good husband & father, and raise the level of conversation. He teaches writing and literature at Brigham Young University-Idaho.
Bob Rees, a scholar, poet, and humanitarian, is co-founder and vice-president of Bountiful Children's Foundation,
Adam S. Miller is a professor of philosophy at Collin College in McKinney, Texas. He is the author of more than a dozen books, including Original Grace, The Gospel According to David Foster Wallace, and An Early Resurrection.
Trina Caudle is an editor & writer focused on personal stories, and graduated from Western Oregon University with a BS in history & journalism. She and her family live in Washington DC.
Moe is a graduate student from Emmett, Idaho, studying religion and literature at Yale Divinity School.
Writer Author or co-author of 59 books including #1 New York Times Bestseller. Frequently writes with wife Linda More at
Gabriel González is the author of several children's books, a short story collection, and a poetry collection. He is a professor of translation at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He was born in Uruguay.
Medlir Mema teaches political science and international law at BYU-Idaho. He also leads the AI and Global Governance program at the Brussels-based Global Governance Institute and hosts the “IR in the Age of AI” podcast.
Dallin Lewis is an associate professor of English at Southern Virginia University.
Songwriter who wishes he were a novelist.
Charlotte is an editor and writer running a small business between school pickups. She lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest, loves watching shows late at night with her husband, and ignores the laundry piles in favor of a good book.
Bethany writes books; runs school gardens; raises three girls with her lover in Richmond, VA; and serves as the Social Impact Director for Generus.
Assistant professor, author, appreciates good puns
Co-Executive Director at Mormon Women for Ethical Government
Seth Lewis is the Shirley Papé Chair in Emerging Media in the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. He is co-author of News After Trump (Oxford University Press) and co-founder of the Substack newsletter RQ1.
Composer of Music & Words • 2021 King's Singers New Music Prize, Special Commendation • “Rhythmically vital … superbly judged … [and] tender”—Fanfare Magazine
Alison Maeser Brimley’s work has been published in Dialogue, Sunstone Magazine, Western Humanities Review, and elsewhere. She lives in Utah with her husband and two daughters.
John Jacob is a retired Professor and Extension Specialist with the Texas A&M University System.
Associate Professor of History, Kyushu University Book Review Editor, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought Association for Mormon Letters board member Editor, "The Path and the Gate: Mormon Short Fiction"
Salt Lake City - Tech & Finance
Ben Dearden is a lawyer, a husband, and a father of two sons. He enjoys writing articles, screenplays, and stories with tiny audiences.
Lee Ann Setzer holds a degree in speech-language pathology and works as project coordinator with a free early literacy project at Brigham Young University.
Semi-retired benevolent dictator of award-winning Mormon Lit blog A Motley Vision ( ). Writer, editor, and critic of Mormon fiction (weird, faithful realist, and otherwise).
Diane is two countries short of achieving her goal of 65 countries by the time she is 65. Diane likes to dance, sing, and play the piano and the organ loudly.
Birdwatcher, fiction writer, currently studying law. Most recent lifer: Tricolored Heron, Pinckney Island, SC.
Ben is an ecologist who works at BYU on environmental science and sustainability.
Creative, husband, dad, and follower of Christ. I share my experiences with OCD and talk about Latter-Day Saint theology on TikTok @scrupuloussaint.
“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
I am a fiction writer, essayist, and English professor at Brigham Young University-Idaho.
bodies and stories. lede data journalism certificate at columbia, creative writing mfa candidate at iaia. settler. full-spectrum doula. (she/they)
Co-host of At Last She Said It podcast and creator of Gray Area comic. I'm a storyteller in words and pictures.
Michael Austin is the academic vice president and provost at the University of Evansville.
Native of North Carolina; a member of the church most of my 70+ years, now an active one; published poet, would-be independent scholar; happily married with son and stepson.
General Adult and Addiction Psychiatrist. Faculty at the University of Utah Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine. Founder at Views are my own and not those of my employer.
Architect and artist, seeking understanding through drawing and writing.
Christopher James Blythe is an assistant professor of folklore at Brigham Young University and co-host of Angels and Seerstones podcast.
poet, mother, teacher, believer
Miranda Wilcox is an associate professor of English at Brigham Young University where she teaches medieval literature. She holds a MMS and PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Notre Dame and researches early medieval religious culture.
Art and photo historian, curator, and proud father of four skiers.
We are Senior Fellows at the American Enterprise Institute, Research Professors at Furman University, and co-authors of Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment, from Princeton University Press.
Elizabeth Cranford Garcia’s debut collection, Resurrected Body, received Cider Press Review’s 2023 Editor’s Prize. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Read more of her work at
Purbasha Roy is a writer from Jharkhand India. A she/her. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Logic(s), Acta Victoriana, Strange Horizons and elsewhere. Attained second position in 8th Singapore Poetry Contest. A cloud lover.
Tacey M. Atsitty, Diné (Navajo), is Tsénahabiłnii (Sleep Rock People) and born for Ta'neeszahnii (Tangle People).
Esther is an Asian-American fine artist and educator from Hawai'i. Across genres and disciplines her work explores the intersections of religion, gender, race, ecology, and sense of place. She currently serves as the Art Editor for Wayfare.
Gideon Burton is Assistant Professor of English at Brigham Young University where he teaches Renaissance literature, literature of the Latter-Day Saints, and rhetoric.
Contributing editor at Wayfare. Works at McGill Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. Master's in comparative humanities studies. Violinist. French speaker. Contributes to ALSSI's Say More. Blogs at
Clinical psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology at Brigham Young University.
Tygan Shelton‘s story “The Missionary” appeared in Daily Science Fiction, and his story “Worlds Without End” was a 2022 AML Award finalist. He lives in Wisconsin with his wife and two children, where he reads and writes code and speculative fiction.
Ariel Bybee Laughton, an independent scholar in Houston, Texas, holds a B.A. in History from BYU and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Early Christianity from Duke University. She writes on women, gender, asceticism, and Biblical interpretation in late antiquity.
Professor of Classics, Brigham Young University.
Rachel Meibos Helps is the Wikipedian-in-Residence at the BYU Library and a writer of interactive fiction and scholarship on Mormon literature.
Valerie M. Hudson is a University Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University, where she directs the Program on Women, Peace, and Security.
Son of Mormon, Survivor, Wanderer.
Lee Allred's fiction has appeared in Asimov's magazine, dozens and dozens of speculative fiction anthologies, and DC and Marvel comics.
Wife, mother, SLP, teacher. Loves languages, gardens, and dogs.
I am a professor of ancient scripture and the academic director of the BYU Jerusalem Center. I specialize in the New Testament Gospels, especially John. I also serve as an ordinance worker in the Provo Temple and sing in the Tabernacle Choir.
Author, poet, screenwriter, playwright, activist.
Sunwoong Yoon started a small business in South Korea after studying at Brigham Young University. He loves spending time with his wife and 1 year-old son.
Assistant Professor of Latter-day Saint/Mormon Studies at GTU. I teach courses on Christian theology & philosophy and publish on constructive feminist theology, Kierkegaard, & Mormon Studies.
Bryan Gentry has written for universities, magazines and newspapers for more than 15 years. Writing passions include personal development, psychology, openminded discourse, and leadership.
Contributing Editor
@amjuster on Twitter.
Amplifying the voices, ideas, and experiences of Latter-day Saint women.
I am a Professor of History at UNC-Asheville with publications in Chinese History and Mormon Studies.
Melissa has authored an extensive body of writing, including two books, Global Mom: A Memoir and On Loss and Living Onward. She and her husband have lived 30+ internationally, and now live in Frankfurt, Germany, where they love serving in the Church.
Stan is a professor of comparative literature and director of the Kennedy Center for International Studies at Brigham Young University.
PhD in Teacher Education Adjunct Instructor -BYU Ancient Scripture Department and Church History and Doctrine Department Served a full-time mission in Mexico City (still miss the tacos!) Passionate about baseball and improving pedagogical practices
Terryl Givens is Maxwell Senior Research Fellow at BYU. His books include studies in theology, biography and intellectual history. The New York Times has called his scholarship “provocative reading,” and he has been a commentator on PBS, CNN and NPR.
Josh Sabey is an award-winning writer and director. His recent book, Ali the Iraqi was published by BCC press. His latest documentary won best documentary at the Boston Film Festival where it screened alongside Taika Waititi’s Jo Jo Rabbit.
Executive Director of Faith Matters // Editor at Wayfare // Host of Ministry of Ideas.
Wayfare Associate Editor. A media scholar, author, and editor interested in Soviet century causes and consequences of the Information Age. See more work here: @bjpeters
Associate Editor at Wayfare. Mother, road-tripper, and part-time attorney. Always in pursuit of more hours in the day, always up for a chat about the secret of life.
Wayfare contributing editor. She has an MFA in fiction and MA in English literature. Her writing can be found in New England Review, Irreantum, Under the Sun, Exponent ii, Dialogue, Iron Horse Literary Review, Literary Mama, and more.
Alixa Brobbey is a poet and law student currently based in Provo, Utah.
Podcast host, board member at Faith Matters. Tech entrepreneur, husband and dad.
Professor of Japanese Literature and Visual Culture at Tufts University and the author of The End of the World, Plan B; zion earth zen sky; and Hymns of Silence (forthcoming from BCC Press).
A philosopher and student of scripture, as well as the author of a lot of different things (books, book chapters, articles, and other academic things).
Steve is the host of the "In Good Faith" podcast, produced by
Lizzie is a writer, reader, runner, mother, lover, and seeker. She lives in a small Brooklyn, NY apartment with her family and a lot of bikes.
Tech entrepreneur. President of the Mormon Transhumanist Association.
Marcus Smith hosts the "Constant Wonder" podcast. He's worked in broadcasting for a quarter century, for 15 years as host & producer of "Thinking Aloud" on KBYU-FM and BYUradio. He and his wife Sarah Cox Smith are parents to five children.
Dayna Patterson is a photographer, textile artist, and irreverent bardophile. She’s the author of O Lady, Speak Again and If Mother Braids a Waterfall. She co-edited Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry.
I'm a law professor at the College of William & Mary with thoughts on the world, mostly about law, politics, religion, and books.
Deseret News staff writer. BYU grad. Aspiring peacemaker.
John teaches and writes about how how we live in the middle of things on earth. These things in the middle are often called media!
Sharlee Mullins Glenn has published poetry, essays, short stories, and criticism in Women's Studies, The Southern Literary Journal, BYU Studies, The New York Times, and more. She is also an award-winning author of children's books.
Exploring an expansive view of the Restored Gospel.
DARLENE YOUNG is the author of two poetry collections, Homespun and Angel Feathers (BCC Press, 2019), and Here (brand new from BCC Press). She lives in South Jordan, Utah.
Assistant Professor at Brigham Young University. Master’s degrees from Yale Divinity School and Columbia University. Ph.D in Religious Studies specializing in New Testament and early Christianity from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Chanel Earl is a writer—mostly of fiction—who currently teaches writing at Brigham Young University.
Isaac James Richards is an award-winning poet, essayist, and scholar of rhetoric. He has also taught classes in the BYU English Department, Honors Program, and School of Communications.
I am a historian specializing in modern Chinese history. I also study Christianity in China, women and religion, and the history of global Christianity.
"A composer of facility and imagination" (The New York Times), Ethan Wickman is professor of music composition at the University of Texas at San Antonio. An accomplished oud player, he is co-founder of the world-folk-classical ensemble Viatorum.
Kristian Heal is a scholar of early Syriac Christianity and a Research Fellow at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship.
Kelsi Folsom is a poet and classically trained singer living in Ohio with her family. She is the author of three poetry collections and is published in Ekstasis, Motherscope, Anabaptist World, and elsewhere.
Ryan Fairchild is an entertainment and technology lawyer, father of three, and husband to the supremely talented Angelyn Otteson Fairchild.
Co-Founder at, which helps families explore wisdom and timeless values together. Writing here about reconstruction, post-secularism, metamodernism (or envisioning a future that includes the best of the past and transcends the worst).
Layabout, gowk, barmie, blaggard. First nations, Yakama.
I am a writer and historian currently based out of Bangkok, where I live with my husband and two children.
Theric Jepson is an author, teacher, critic, and general annoyance based in the Bay Area. See also: (@thmazing on social media)
Adrienne Cardon is a poet and author of And Still, Birth: Death and New Life in a Pandemic. Off-duty, she enjoys skiing, karaoke, collecting fancy olive oils, and is trying to cross off all the National Parks from her bucket list.
Darren is a paddler, blacksmith, odonatologist, canoe designer, writer, and part-time hospice chaplain. He and his wife Stephanie own Rutabaga Paddlesports, an outdoor specialty shop in Madison, Wisconsin.
Laura Reece Hogan is the author of Butterfly Nebula (Backwaters, University of Nebraska Press), Litany of Flights (Paraclete Press), the chapbook O Garden-Dweller (Finishing Line), and the nonfiction book I Live, No Longer I (Wipf & Stock).
Retired BYU professor, Provo Mayor’s Sustainability Adviser, member of Utah Citizens’ Council, Provo Rotary.
Matt Hoisch is an Emmy-nominated journalist who has reported for NPR and PBS stations across the U.S. He holds degrees from Harvard University and the University of Cambridge, where he studied as a Gates Cambridge Scholar.
Former water policy researcher, current full-time mom of two. Writing about death, grief, cancer, gardening, and faith. Wearing an eye patch and juggling too many hobbies in Colorado.
🧠 I write at the intersection of brain injury, art, spirituality, and science.
Writer, scholar, mother, lawyer, and Latter-day Saint living in Boulder, CO.
Writer, teacher, wanderer. Columbia MFA graduate. Author of EAST WINDS & IF THE TIDE TURNS 🏴‍☠️ (Preorders open). Editor In Chief of Exponent II.
Jennifer Walker Thomas is the co-executive director of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, a nonpartisan grass-roots organization that helps women of faith become powerful and peaceful advocates. She is an accidental (but committed) activist.
Latter-day Saint writer, host of YouTube channel Latter-day Presentations
Chad Ford is a Professor of Intercultural Peacebuilding at BYU-Hawaii and the author of Dangerous Love: Transforming Fear and Conflict at Home, at Work and in the World
Associate Editor of Wayfare; Mom of three, scholar of early modern religious history, and happiest with a mug of hot chocolate and cozy conversation.
Thomas is a developmental researcher, meditation teacher and founder of Lower Lights School of Wisdom. He has been practicing for over 25 years in Buddhism and Christian contemplation, among others sacred traditions.
I am a retired professor of philosophy and senior researcher at the Maxwell Institute at Brigham Young University. My area of specialty in philosophy is 20th and 21st European philosophy. My most recent work has been in Latter-day Saint theologies.
Matthew Bowman is Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University and the author of several books.
Professor of Russian at BYU
Writer and creative director who's called Salt Lake City, New York City, Budapest, Chicago, and Geneva, Switzerland "home." But currently living in Dallas.
Faith Matters podcast host and board member. Professional cake artist and mom of four.
Assistant Professor of Church History and Doctrine at BYU and author of Slavery and Sacred Texts: The Bible, The Constitution, and Historical Consciousness in Antebellum America.
Wayfare magazine digital editor. Editor for the BYU Studies quarterly journal. Editor for the BYU Studies New Testament Commentary series. Freelance fiction editor for Eschler Editing. Annie Dillard fangirl.
Lead Editor for DMBA and secretary on the Mormon Lit Lab board. My poetry has been published by BYU Studies, Ensign, New Era, Segullah, Wayfare, the Mormon Lit Lab, and the Utah State Poetry Society. For more information, visit
Argentinian transplant studying Psychology at BYU.
Instructor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Director of the Neurospirituality Lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Past Lecturer and Fellow at Harvard Divinity School.
Husband, father, lifelong student. Philosophy and Theology. Math Teacher and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at BYU.
Director of the Book of Mormon Art Catalog
Gouverneur Morris Professor of History emeritus at Columbia University and the author of Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling: A Cultural Biography.
Theologian. Chaplain. PhD student. Mama. @milkandhoneymamas
I am a creative writer currently living in Provo, Utah. I received an MFA in creative writing from Brigham Young University, and I teach intermediate writing at Utah Valley University.
Adam Haver received the 2022 Willie Morris Award for Southern Poetry. He was most recently published in The Pierian and Braided Way and will be included in an upcoming edition of Ballast. You can connect with him on Twitter: @ac_haver.
Daniel Becerra is an Assistant Professor of Ancient Scripture at BYU and a scholar of early Christianity.
Ethan is a stay-at-home dad and Mormon poet. He hosts regular Mormon poetry workshops in Provo. He has been (trying to) write a Mormon poem every day since January 2023.
I'm just a man who reads the world... and sometimes writes on it.
MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies from the University of Cambridge. BS in Mathematics from BYU. Academic editor, feminist historian, freelance writer.
English Instructor. American Literature MA Student. Creative Nonfiction and Poetry Writer. Knitter of sweaters. Mom of 3.
Nancy Fulda is a past Hugo and Nebula Nominee, a Phobos Award winner and a Vera Hinckley Mayhew Award recipient. She is a professor at at BYU, where she researches knowledge representation, machine learning, and conversational AI.
Middle school English teacher. Coach. Husband and father. Occasional bus driver. Author of middle grade fantasy and creative non-fiction.
Noah Feldman is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.
Logan Mickel is an English instructor at Weber State University, where he teaches courses on writing, superheroes, and multimodal digital activism. In his spare time he runs and tries to remodel the bathroom.
Episcopal Chaplain at Harvard, Rita earned an MFA in poetry to explore the future of Christianity by innovative engagement with land, ritual, and the church's legacy of slavery. Massachusetts, South Dakota, and Taizé, France have been her homes.
Lisa T. Gregg is a writer, freelance editor, and cat mom. She enjoys religious and philosophical conversations with her husband over vegetarian brunch and also eating Taco Bell in bed while binging baking shows on Netflix.
Melissa has authored a extensive body of writing, including two books, Global Mom: A Memoir and On Loss and Living Onward. She and her husband have lived 30+ internationally, and now live in Frankfurt, Germany, where they love serving in the Church.
Emeritus Professor at Michigan State University. From 2004-2007, President of the Spain, Malaga mission, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Kathy Kipp Clayton spread the gospel worldwide with her husband Whitney for nineteen years. She is the author of “Teaching to Build Faith and Faithfulness” and “Confidence: Your Birthright as a Child of God.”
Healer of LGBT and faith divides.
Wayfare News Editor; Masters Student at Harvard Divinity School.
Boston-based freelance writer with an MTS from Harvard Divinity School and a BA in Religion from Rice University. Consultant for Stanford's Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, beer league ice hockey player, and NBA writer for The Peach Basket.
Teacher and scholar of rhetoric and professional communication
I like quarto sized books.
I'm a licensed therapist, coach and educator. I focus on helping Latter-day Saints build stronger intimate relationships.
August Burton goes to college and studies things. He plays excessive amounts of pickleball, derives great pleasure from wearing shirt-jackets, and is a major proponent of the Oxford comma.